Collective Intelligence: Human Centred Design, Teaching & Learning with Machines - Post 2

A lot of AI and robotics has obviously been created and widely produced so it is difficult to come up with an original idea, and in order to create them, you need lots of money. In an interview with CNBC, the creator of Sophia, Dr. David Hanson of Hanson Robotics, stated that he believes that "there will be a time where robots are indistinguishable from humans" but his "preference is to make them always look a little bit like robots so you know".

Here is the video:

My thoughts on this are to make robots look like robots. The idea of having no idea whether someone you walk past in the street is a warm, feeling human or a cold, unfeeling robot freaks me out and I'm sure it would others. Robots stereotypically are dark, cold, and unnerving, so creators are trying to make them more like us. I think this is the wrong way of making them more relatable and comforting. 

If you asked most people to draw or describe a robot it would look something like this:
Image result for stereotypical robot
(Groening, 1999)

This is cold. Just make robots look more friendly but not human like. Something like this:

Image result for walle
(Disney, 2008)

CNBC (2016) Hot Robot At SXSW Says She Wants To Destroy Humans / The Pulse. [Online Video] March 16. Available from: [Accessed 18 December 2018]
